Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day One: Part Three

I'm not at that point were I can really reevaluate the relationship. Despite the fact that he doesn't love me anymore, there's still this part of my heart that hopes he changes his mind. That he'll come back to me. I know that's normal though. I'm on the road to realization, I guess you could say, but I haven't quite gotten home to the Truth.

And until I'm ready for that brutal truth, I'm filling my time watching movies that have nothing to do with romance (I watched "Tower Heist" today and I'm not ashamed to say I LIKED IT!), reading books that have nothing to do with romance (I went to the library and checked out three books: one a thriller set in Rome, the other a satirical piece about Supreme Court nominations and the third a classic by Toni Morrison), and listening to music that might have something to do with romance but not enough to hurt the heart (I downloaded Robyn, she's SO FUN!).

Have I messed up? YUP. Listening to Adele or certain classic No Doubt songs is a horrible idea. So is watching any sort of romantic movie. I cried at the end of "You've Got Mail" this afternoon. (WHO DOES THAT?!)

But no matter. I'm going to sleep with this electro pop/dance fabulousness in my head tonight. Enjoy!

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